Monday, January 10, 2011

Little embroidery

I have a very good friend, Meenoo, whose husband, Bill, does these terrific little doodles. Usually they end up in the recycling bin, but when I saw them for the first time I said, "I need to embroider one of those!" Meenoo thought I was nuts. But I got her to confiscate one of them and I recreated it in floss. This is my first time doing this kind of fill stitch. I think it's so cute! I gave it to Bill for Christmas.In Molly news, she has a walking cast on due to a sore foot. We're not sure of the reason for the soreness, but she's been a toe-walker forever and never grew out of it. The cast will stay on for a total of three weeks. She says it's feeling better. I'm not sure how much of this is serious injury and how much of it is pandering for the upcoming Oscar season. I'm hoping this cures the problem regardless of its origin.


  1. Lovely embroidery, Cheryl! I love it to pieces! Hope Miss Molly feels better soon! I would certainly fake injury for the Oscars. :-)

  2. the embroidery is just adorable. Did they love it?! A big ((((hug))) for Molly!!

  3. Oh poor Molly!!! Love your embroidery!

  4. lovely little embroidery. Ok- so is that the same as a cross stitch? Don't laugh at my sewing ignorance here....
