Sunday, April 19, 2009

Twirly skirt done!

Okay, the twirly skirt is done! I put some giant rick-rack on the bottom. Molly can't wait to wear it to school tomorrow. She had to try it on tonight, post-bath wet hair and all.

It's VERY twirly!

A cute Molly story: We were at Home Depot and there was a bag of fertilizer spilled on the ground. She asked what it was called and after we told her she kept referring to it as "turtleizer."


  1. What a cutie pie!!! I want that skirt so I can twirl too!!! My grand daughters would love that skirt. Did you tell what pattern it was? I'll have to look back at your previous post.

  2. Yep. Links in the previous post!

  3. it is so cute. and so is Molly.

  4. Absolutely adorable! I don't blame your little girl, at all, for being anxious to wear it to school. Fun and fabulous!

  5. What an adorable skirt! Love it

  6. The rick rack on it looks great. I love it!

  7. Looks like fun twirling to me! What a wonderful thing to make for someone - something to TWIRL in!

  8. cute skirt! I would love one just like it in my size...I love twirly skirts :)
